Blog Posts Made Easy Series: Blog Post Style 3 – Series Post

How can you become an authority in your industry and get more reader traffic to come to your blog? One way is to write a series of posts – say, 3-5 different posts – that zero in on a broader topic in your niche. Today in our “Blog Posts Made Easy Series” we’ll address this […]

Blog Posts Made Easy Series: Blog Post Style 1 – Repost Post

Does your business have a blog? Do you feel like you have “writer’s block” more often than not? Read this series on Blog Posts Made Easy to see how you can make your blog posts easier to write. This first article in the Blog Posts Made Easy series shows how you can share an article […]

Blog Posts Made Easy Series Introduction: Simple 4 Step Blog Post Formula

If writing more blog posts is your New Year’s Resolution it’s easier than you think. Dust off your keyboard and jump start your blog by following our simple 4 step blog post formula. Combined with one of 5 popular blog posting styles we will be featuring in the next five days, you can produce articles […]