One Minute Tip: How to Delete Facebook Business Pages

Did you create your Facebook fan page and now you don’t want it anymore? Maybe you started over from scratch and your new page is so much better, so you don’t need the old one anymore. Here’s a simple one minute tip on how to delete Facebook business pages. First, go to the business page …

One Minute Tip: Create a Facebook List for the Pages you “Like”

How many Facebook business fan pages have you “liked?” Are they cluttering up your news feed? You can file them into lists to help you keep in touch with your favorites. Recently I posted a One Minute Tip to help you create a Facebook “Featured Likes” file where you can follow your favorite Facebook business …

One Minute Tip: Check All Your Google+ Circle Notifications

Recently I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting circled on Google Plus a lot. I also noticed that if I’m not on G+ every day, I miss some of those notifications. I think the reason I’m not seeing all the notifications is that when new circle notifications come up, the old ones disappear in favor of …

One Minute Tip: Change the Title and Description While Posting an Article to Your Facebook Wall

If you’d like to share an article with Facebook friends or fans, but you don’t like the title or description, you can rename it. You can change the title and description while posting an article to your Facebook wall. First, click “Link” above your Facebook’s “What’s on your mind?” box. Copy and paste the link …

One Minute Tip: Follow Your Favorite Facebook Business Pages

Have you “liked” too many Facebook business pages and now you can’t see posts from your favorite pages because of all the other Facebook fan pages’ posts? You can set your favorite Facebook fan pages as “featured likes” on your own biz page to make it easy to follow your favorite Facebook pages. Featured Likes …

Facebook’s Major Redesign: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

Facebook introduced a few changes over the last couple of weeks, including: “Subscribe;” Share features (public, friends, custom); new Update Status tool; Fine Tuning your news feed; adding New Lists for us (thank you very much); view who is sharing your posts; Smart Lists; and a “Needs Review” function. (Click here to see a photo …

Facebook Foible a Blessing in Disguise

Facebook had some problems this weekend. Many of us couldn’t see more than one page in our news feeds. I got this message: “This stream is unavailable at this time. Please try again soon.” With all the work business pages have to do to keep up with our social media marketing, I wondered what to …