I just created a URL for my new Facebook business page, “One Minute Tips.” If you have more than 25 fans on your business page, you can create a URL for your Facebook business page too. Among the many advantages of having your own URL is that it brands your page and it’s a shorter and more memorable link to share with your friends to get them to like your page.

First, go to your page. Click on the “edit page” button.

Click on “Basic Information” and “Create a Username for this page.”

If you’re signed in as your page, click on the button that says “Continue using Facebook as” yourself.

I forgot to take the screen shot as I created the URL for my Facebook business page, "One Minute Tips," so I used another page, "Apala," here.

Under “Page Name,” make sure your correct page is in the box. Enter your desired username. Do not use any spaces. You want to choose your Facebook business page username carefully because you cannot change the name once you’ve chosen it.

Facebook will let you know if that URL is available. If not, try another. Much like choosing a website domain name, once your create a Facebook fan page URL, no one else can use that same URL.

Click on the create button and you’re done! A dialog box will pop up that says “Success,” telling you that your URL has been created.

Click “Okay,” go back to Basic Information and you should see that your URL has been set. You can share this link with your friends. I recommend putting it in your email signature.

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  2. This is essentially the way to brand yourself as a business on facebook! We are always asked this sort of information when building facebook fan pages and coupons for customers. Great post! Looking forward to more.

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